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Updated documents

Update to the document "DRG_Alokacia_Uvazky_Simulovane_Data_16_Apr_20240416" and to the document "Manual_Realokacia_20240416"

Based on feedback from providers, we note minor adjustments to the formulas and the addition of explanatory comments:

  • The changes and comments are explained in the last slide of the presentation,
  • The presentation and the document with the modified formulas are updated on the CKS website in the education section.

Update on the document "Explanatory document_for_validation_protocol_14042023"

The erroneous Note in the document on page 17 has been deleted:

  • This was the following statement: 'A widespread error is also the cost of the EHR for laboratories (SNS8). Further communication between the PHCS and CKS will clarify on which page the correction needs to be made. The assumption by CKS is that laboratories are unlikely to send material for EMHES (expected from inpatient ward earlier)."
  • Rationale for deleting the note: EMHIS is currently being recorded in the departments belonging to the laboratories (SNS 8), or in other SNS (depending on the type of department).

The document is updated on the CKS website in the education section.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further consultation.