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DRG system update for 2023

The CKS has prepared the first phase of the upgrade of the SK-DRG-2022 system to the SK-DRG-2023 system.

To date, the following documents have been issued with effect from 1.1.2023:

Definition Manual:

Catalogue of lump sum cases

Following the correction of a technical error, revised versions of the CCPs have been published Reason for publication of revised versions of the CCPs

List of medical procedures

Conversion of PHC procedures to DRG procedures

Theconverter of NHS procedures to DRG procedures v2 is a technical converter that matches previously reported same-day healthcare procedures to health insurers from healthcare providers (inpatient and same-day healthcare providers). The converter will be implemented in practice as of 1.1.2023, based on the agreement in the JHS Working Group and the approval of the Steering Committee. From 1.1.2023, there will be a change in the reporting codes in the form of DRG health services (no other elements than the data interface, reimbursement mechanism are not changed, only the codes of the services as defined in the aforementioned converter are changed).

The next phase of the update, including the update of the Coding Rules and Base Rates, will be published by the end of November.

Further, the CCC is issuing a call for compliance certification applications for 2023 along with details of the compliance certification process for 2023.