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Proposol of education strategy

CKS DRG team prepared new education strategy which has been introduced to the members of the Management Committee for reimbursement mechanisms and price regulations (MC).

During the 45. Meeting of MC, 2 proposals, which will enter into force during the current year, were approved.

Until 2020, 275 specialised competent persons (SCP) were trained, out of which 38% people have medical education.

CKS DRG team wants to primarly focus on training selected people in medical (correct use of coding rules) and economic area (correct use of the Calculation handbook). At the same time, CKS DRG team will fully support hospitals in formating professional coders.

Professional coders are the future of DRG, who could classify hospitalised cases as employees of health care providers. In Austria, majority of coding of hospitalised cases (HC) are done by professional coders[1], Furthermore, in Great Britain, Spain and USA, hospitalised cases are coded only by professional coders.

Due to the voting of MC, CKS DRG team will fully engage in training of SCP, hospitals with coding centres or people that are considered as professional guarantors in medical and economic field by CKS DRG team.

Presented documents concerning education strategy during the 45. Meeting of MC are available HERE.

All relevant information about education can be found on our CKS DRG web, in section "Education" HERE.